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Paulownia Pao Tong Z07

Paulownia Pao Tong Z07

The most frost resistant of all the varieties. Also grows very fast with an even narrower crown. Can also be used as an ornamental tree on any property.

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Paulownia Pao Tong Z07, also called Super Hybrid, is a cross of 3 species of p. Tomentosa, p. Fortunei and p. Kawakamii. The variety becomes one of the most popular among all other varieties in industrial production because of these qualities:

  • Rapid growth. Studies have shown that the trunk diameter reaches 40 cm in 7 years, much faster than other varieties. The fast growth allows to reduce the harvesting time and to increase the wood production;
    bois de haute qualité, tronc droit, haut et dense;
  • Cold hardiness. The most important factor that has made Z07 popular in colder climates where growing other Paulownia varieties was not possible. It is resistant to extreme heat (up to +40c) and frost (down to -33c);
  • Resistance to diseases, microbes and parasites;
  • Easy adaptation to different growing conditions;
  • Drought resistance once the tree is established.

Because of the tree's small crown, 640-850 trees per hectare can be planted.
Like other Paulownias, it blooms in spring in years 3-4. The bees love it!
It is unpretentious to the soil, can be grown anywhere, even on dry soils containing up to 2% lime; but deep, moderately moist, drained, sufficiently fertile and clayey soils are the best for its cultivation. It is also a heliophyte, to cultivate preferably in open and well-lit places.
