Published: 02 of January 2024р.Views: 6825Embracing Eco-Friendly Practices in Wood Production The discourse on environmental conservation has increasingly focused on sustainable forestry, a pivotal theme in the contemporary battle against climate change and habitat destruction. Central to this dialogue is the Paulownia tree, emblematic of ...
Published: 10 of July 2023р.Views: 2086The Levi-Montalcini Foundation, dedicated to the study and exhibition of the works of Nobel Prize winner Rita Levi-Montalcini, has announced a major new project - the creation of a centre for innovation and eco-sustainability. This centre was created to combine scientific and artistic knowledge. ...
Published: 13 of January 2023р.Views: 7686The fastest growing tree species varies depending on a number of factors such as location, climate, and growing conditions. However, some species that are known for their fast growth rates include: Eucalyptus: This Australian native can grow up to 9 feet per year and is often used for pulp, pap ...
Published: 13 of January 2023р.Views: 14501Paulownia wood is known for its unique properties and characteristics, which make it suitable for a wide range of uses. Some of the key properties and characteristics of Paulownia wood include: Lightweight: Paulownia wood is significantly lighter than other types of hardwood, making i ...
Published: 12 of January 2023р.Views: 6191Paulownia trees have the ability to re-grow from their roots after being cut down, which is known as coppicing. This is a natural adaptation that allows the tree to regenerate in case of damage, disease, or cutting. The process of coppicing involves the tree's root system sending up new shoots from ...
Published: 12 of December 2022р.Views: 9973Treatment of Paulownia against parasites. Paulownia is affected by many diseases and pests. In the north, it is mainly infested by witches' broom, although attacks by leaf-eating insects are also a serious problem. In the south, it is mainly infested by leaf-eating insects and weevils. In ad ...
Published: 12 of December 2022р.Views: 11304Content: Paulownia - an ornament for your garden; Paulownia - a quick shade for your garden; Paulownia - strengthens the soil; Captures 4 times more carbon dioxide, dust and noise; Produces 4 times more oxygen; Lifetime of 100 years; The paulownia grows on soils with low fertility; Prote ...
Published: 12 of December 2022р.Views: 2603As mentioned elsewhere on our site, Paulownia is a tree that adapts easily to a wide variety of soil and climatic conditions. However, this adaptability should not lead to misjudgment when deciding to establish a commercial plantation. While, on the one hand, there are indeed paulownias t ...